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- ************** - DocuDraftr - - (The Electronic Forms Library) **************
- ******* PC-FORMS AND PC-LIBRARY PROGRAMS ******** Evaluation Copy ************
- ** COPYRIGHT 1990-91 William W. Blackledge **
- ** The programs, libraries and documentation are furnished as confidential **
- ** trade secret information under an obligation of the user not to disclose **
- ** or copy them without the owner's express consent. Permission is granted **
- ** for users to copy them for use in the user's own computer and for copies **
- ** to be made and distributed for evaluation purposes or personal use only. **
- ** Permission to reproduce printed copies of the Users' Manuals is granted **
- ** to users for their own use, but not for distribution. **
- ** **
- ** Professional, commercial and other regular users agree to pay a license **
- ** fee to the owner for such use. For information concerning registration **
- ** and licensing see the file DOCUDRFT.ORD. Use the VIEW.EXE program to **
- ** display that file and others by entering "VIEW <filespec>". **
- ** **
- ** The Owner is: The Licensee is: **
- ** William W. Blackledge Licensee Name **
- ** 3704 Edgewater Drive Licensee Address **
- ** Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Licensee City, State, Zip **
- ** Telephone (405) 840-3563 Licensee Telephone **
- ******************************************************************************
- The following is a list of the forms libraries available now:
- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
- LTRADR - Forms of Address for Letters to Various Dignitaries
- LTRBNS - 219 Business Letters Regarding Matters other than Financial
- LTRFNL - 76 Letters Regarding Accounts, Credit and Collections
- LTRSAL - 30 Letters for the Sales Department of a Business
- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ASSIGN - Assignments of Contract Rights and Other Interests.
- AUDLTR - Lawyer's Response to Request for Auditor Letter.
- BILSAL - Bill of Sale for Personal Property.
- CREDIT - Collection Notices and Letters.
- DEEDS - Warranty Deeds Conveying Title to Real Property.
- EMPLOY - Employment Agreements and Related Documents.
- LEARN - Learning Demonstration for PC-FORMS.
- LEASES - Leases of Real and Personal Property.
- LICENS - License Agreements for Software & Hunting/Fishing.
- NOTES - Promissory Notes including Installment Notes.
- REALTY - Contracts for Sale or Exchange of Real Property.
- SALBNS - Documents for Sale of a Business including Bulk Transfers.
- SALGDS - Documents and Notices for Sales of Goods under the U.C.C.
- SETTLE - Settlement Agreements and General Release from Liability.
- TITLES - Title Opinions on Real Estate Properties.
- WILLS - Last Will and Testament with Various Trusts & Living Wills.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
- AGENCY - Powers of Attorney and Other Agency Agreements.
- CORPN - Forms for Incorporation & Keeping the Minute Book
- INDCON - Independent Contractors including Attorneys and Brokers.
- PARTNR - Agreements for General and Limited Partnerships & Joint Ventures.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
- DIVORC - Divorce Pleadings and Related Documents - Oklahoma.
- PROBAT - Probate Pleadings and Related Documents - Oklahoma.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press <ESCAPE> at the end of any screen display to return to the Program.
- ***************************
- ***************************
- The DocuDraftr Document Assembly System consists of two computer programs
- written to permit use of the user's own choice of words in computer-prepared
- documents. The programs are called PC-FORMS (pcfm.exe) and PC-LIBRARY
- (pclb.exe). These programs may be linked with WordPerfect, WordStar, VDE,
- PC-Write or FriendlyWriter (and, by request, with other word processing
- programs with conversion utilities).
- The PC-FORMS program lets you select, from a series of text menus, sections of
- text to be included in a document. If the text contains variable names for
- information needed to complete the document, you will be prompted to enter
- responses which you want to replace those variable names. After all variable
- name prompts for a particular section of text have been answered the revised
- text is displayed for the user's acceptance or rejection.
- For each document prepared the program produces a proof sheet file showing the
- text selections made and the variable responses entered for that document.
- This proof sheet has the name of the document and the suffix ".PRF".
- The PC-LIBRARY program assembles files containing the Text Indexes, a Text
- Library, a Variable Prompt List and/or a Variable Help List from a DocuDraftr
- forms library. If requested, it will print these lists as files are being
- assembled or they may be printed later with a word processor. These library
- lists may be used to collect information from clients and to provide instruc-
- tions to a secretary for preparation of the completed document.
- PC-LIBRARY also may be used to generate the variable file for a PC-FORMS text
- library. Before preparing the Text Library listing the program creates a
- variable file for that library if one does not exist. It will then ask the
- user to enter a prompt for any variable name for which there is no prompt in
- the variable file. As it reads and displays the text selections it inserts
- a numbered blank line in the text for each variable name, numbers the prompt
- for that variable with the same number and stores the revised text in the
- Text Library file.
- The PC-LIBRARY program also accumulates index listings of the text headings in
- the library in numeric and alphabetical sequence and adds those listings to the
- index section of the variable file if the user asks for it to be updated. If
- the user has the variable file updated the program makes a backup copy of the
- existing variable file with the suffix .BAK.
- The DocuDraftr programs may be linked with WordPerfect, WordStar, VDE, PC-Write
- or the FriendlyWriter word processing program by placing them in the same disk
- directory with one of those programs. If you use WordPerfect, the program
- CONVERT.EXE must be in the same directory. If you use FriendlyWriter, the
- conversion program, FWCNV.EXE, by the author of the DocuDraftr system, must be
- in the same directory.
- If you want the general program help in the file FMHELP.MSG to be available
- copy that file into the same directory. If you install the system on a hard
- disk it is recommended that you copy the forms libraries to directories with
- names similar to those shown in the lists, above, or to a single directory
- called PCFORMS.
- Forms Libraries may be placed in directories named to reflect the types of
- forms available in them or may all be placed in the same directory. The
- programs are capable of displaying 80 form library names on your CRT screen.
- When the programs are started without entering a form name all of the form
- libraries available in the current working directory will be displayed in
- alphabetical order.
- The programs must be run from the directory where the form library you are
- using is located. You may specify a different directory for the document
- file you are creating. Just include the file specification (directory path)
- in the document file name. PC-FORMS will load the document file and your
- word processor from that directory. THE DOS "PATH" COMMAND MUST INCLUDE THE
- PROGRAM IS LOCATED. Enter "path" at the DOS prompt to check this.
- The program may be run from the same directory as the library files without
- being linked to your word processor. In that case you will be requested to
- enter the output mode (D)ocument, (N)on-Document or (R)ight-Justified, as
- explained below.
- The PC-FORMS program is called PCFM.EXE.
- The program is run by entering 'PCFM' at the MS-DOS prompt. You may also
- enter the form name, the output file specification and a mode character 'D',
- 'N' or 'R' to indicate Document, Non-document or Right-Justified output mode.
- For example, any of the following are correct start-up entries:
- C:\PCFORMS>pcfm
- C:\PCFORMS>pcfm wills
- C:\PCFORMS>pcfm wills testwill.doc
- C:\PCFORMS>pcfm wills testwill.doc d
- The program will ask the user to enter any of the necessary information not
- supplied. After program start-up you may elect to use either single-line or
- double-line spacing for all, or any part of the form.
- In Document mode the text is revised to be printed right-justified using the
- WordStar or WordPerfect word processing programs with printers which support
- microjustification. This file can be converted to WordPerfect format by us-
- ing the 'CONVERT' program supplied with WordPerfect. When linked with one of
- these programs a Document mode file is produced and the WordPerfect conversion
- is done automatically. In Document mode, dot commands for WordStar are sent
- through to the document file.
- When linked with the VDE, PC-WRITE or FriendlyWriter program a non-document
- file is produced. In Non-Document mode the program replaces the variable names
- with the responses and then revises the text within paragraphs by removing any
- extra spaces between words and all but two spaces after sentences. Each line
- is terminated at the last space or hyphen immediately before reaching the right
- margin marker in the current format line. This results in the text having a
- ragged right margin but without extra spaces between words or sentences. This
- file can be converted to the FriendlyWriter format by using the 'FWCNV.EXE'
- program. When linked, the FriendlyWriter conversion is done automatically.
- In Right-Justified mode the text in the Non-document mode output is revised by
- inserting extra spaces to cause it to print right-justified on printers which
- do not support micro-justification.
- In both Non-document and Right-Justified mode the program produces a plain
- ASCII file without WordStar or WordPerfect formatting commands. These files
- can be printed using the PC-DOS OR MS-DOS print command or almost any word
- processing program.
- The PC-LIBRARY program is called PCLB.EXE.
- This program is run by entering 'PCLB' at the MS-DOS prompt. You may also
- enter the form name.
- For example, either of the following are correct start-up entries:
- C:\PCFORMS>pclb
- C:\PCFORMS>pclb wills
- PC-LIBRARY can produce ASCII files which may be printed using the DOS Print
- command or files compatible with a word processing program. If you use your
- word processor, you may need to widen your margins or compress your print to
- print some of them as they appear on the 80-column screen.
- From the Master Menu you can display the current Text Selection Menu. Before
- doing so you may want to review the Text Indexes of the form library by
- selecting No. 3. Entering a Text Menu number (the number before the decimal
- point) will switch you to the Text Selection Screen for that menu. Or you
- can enter a complete Text Selection Number to select a particular section of
- text.
- You may review the text alternatives by selecting them and then using the
- Escape Key to return to the menu. The Escape Key may be used from the Text
- Selection Screen to return to the Master Menu if you wish to change the line
- spacing, go to the Text Indexes, or display the output document. If a text
- section is appended to your document its index listings will be highlighted
- in the menu listings.
- At the top of the PC-FORMS program display screens is a line in inverse video
- displaying reminders of the special commands available from that screen. These
- screens will appear in the following sequence as you select text and enter
- variable responses to be included in your final document. Special commands
- available from each screen are described below:
- - No Special Commands
- - (N)ext - to proceed to the next menu.
- - (P)revious - to return to the previous menu.
- - (ESC)Menu - to return to the Master Menu.
- - (CTRL-R)edo - to correct a multi-line variable response
- from the beginning after having reached a
- point beyond the first line.
- - (CR)Left Mrgn - to enter your response beginning at the left
- side of the display screen enter <RETURN>
- and then your response.
- - (ESC)Menu - to return to the Text Selection Menu.
- - (>)Center - to center your response on the page.
- - (?)Help - to display Variable Response help.
- Note: You may skip the input of a variable response for any
- Variable Name (such as an unused address line) by
- entering two returns thus: <RETURN><RETURN>.
- - (R)eject text - to reject the revised text.
- - <RETURN> - to accept the revised text and append it to
- the document being prepared.
- The user responses for GLOBAL variable names (consisting of alphanumeric char-
- acters enclosed in curly braces) are stored by the PC-FORMS program and auto-
- matically substituted for the same variable name appearing in later sections
- of text. Names for LOCAL variables begin with special non-alphanumeric char-
- acters. These variable names are used for the following purposes:
- 1st
- Char Program Response
- > - Automatically inserts a ">" character to center the user
- response. (Indicated by -> on the variable input screen)
- ? - Always asks for a response for the Variable Name, since the
- previous response was not stored.
- ~ - Displays a 'Standard Response' for the Variable Name and
- permits the user to retain it or change it.
- Non-alphanumeric
- Other than ? - Displays the user's previous response to the Variable Prompt
- and permits the user to retain it or change it.
- Sections of repeatable text (such as gifts of personal property in the wills
- library) will contain only LOCAL variable names for which the responses can
- be changed each time the text is appended to the document.
- Detailed instructions are provided in the program documentation to permit the
- user to modify the text files or to develop his or her own files for use with
- these programs using the PC-LIBRARY program. These files are ASCII files
- which can be prepared using any word processing program capable of producing
- such a file. Certain rules must be followed to enable the PC-FORMS program
- to display the menus, prompt for variables, insert the responses and revise
- the text correctly.
- ========================= End of General Program Help =======================